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Lusófona researcher co-edits a book published by Bloomsbury

Lusófona researcher André Rui Graça co-edits a book published by Bloomsbury (in the British Film Institute collection). André Rui Graça is a co-editor of the book Filmmakers on Film: Global Perspectives, now available for pre-order (e-formats and hardback). This book bridges the gap between film theory and filmmakers' thoughts and poetics, and proposes a new way to address and elaborate film theory. The book is a curated selection of writings, with contributors from a range of countries including the USA, UK, India, China, Portugal, Brazil, Belgium and New Zealand, reflecting the global perspective of this new approach. The 18 chapters of this volume discuss the ways in which filmmakers influence each other, the spectator as seen by filmmakers, and ways to critically address a filmography that takes into account filmmakers other than the director. André Graça is also the author of a chapter on Chantal Akerman's cinema and a co-author of a chapter on the relevance of the spectator and spectatorship for filmmakers. The book is published by Bloomsbury, was subject to peer review, and is included in the British Film Institute collection.

Link here.

published 13 September 2023modified 13 September 2023