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Associated Partners

Aalto University Finland

Aalto University is a multidisciplinary community of bold thinkers, where science and art meet technology and business. Aalto is committed to identify and solve grand societal challenges and building an innovative future.

Aalto is a core associated member of the Alliance and a potential future full partner of FILMEU: Aalto University did not join the Alliance as full member at this stage because the University is already part of an approved European University in another field and the existing consortia was not convinced of the opportunity of the University embarking completely in another project at this time. Independently of that, Aalto is already fully involved in the delivery of one of the EMJMD of the Alliance and will collaborate in implementing one of the new programmes foreseen in Work Packages 3. Aalto will also actively collaborate in all investigation tasks in Work Packages 2, 3, 4 and 6 besides taking a relevant role in the setup of the joint PhD program and doctoral school in Work Packages 6 and in the definition of the future tenure model in Work Packages 2. Aalto will also collaborate in all quality assurance processes.


Academia Portuguesa de Cinema Lisbon, Portugal

The portuguese academy of cinema is a cultural association without profit organization created with the purpose of supporting the portuguese cinema in all its diversity and promote nationally and internationally the portuguese cinematography.

The various objectives of the Academy are: To promote the development of arts and film sciences; Foster the training, qualification and develpoment of its members; Assign annual awards for the best films and performances in various professional categories of cinematographic activity. Above all, the Academy seeks in its various actions to approach the Portuguese cinema of the Portuguese. The Sophia Awards, the ceremony of the Portuguese film awards are held annually since 2013.


ACEEU Germany

An affiliate of ENQA and a full-fledged member of INQAAHE, ACEEU is an international quality assurance body dedicated to advancing higher education by supporting universities in their transformation process towards becoming more entrepreneurial and engaged. With the ultimate goal of fostering the creation of greater social, economic and cultural impacts by universities, ACEEU accredits universities around the world in its two main accreditation programmes: Entrepreneurial University Accreditation and Engaged University Accreditation. Having successfully accredited institutions in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Australia, with 20+ more institutions in the process, the Council is currently designing a departmental level accreditation, as well as a program level accreditation on 21st Century Skills.

ACEEU will be involved in two distinctive WP, 6 and 9. During Work Packages 6 ACEEU will support the Alliance in implementing its Accelerator programme around entrepreneurship skills and in Work Packages 9, ACEEU will support the development of the Alliance quality assurance framework in order to turn the Alliance apt to fulfil the third mission of universities (entrepreneurship, engagement).


AVAKA - Audiovisual Authors and Producers Rights Association Vilnius, Lithuania

Audiovisual works copyright association “AVAKA” is collective copyright management organization which administers audiovisual authors and producers rights.

AVAKA was founded in 8th of February, 2008. At the beginning AVAKA mainly was responsible for coordination of Lithuanian television and film awards and promoting audiovisual culture in Lithuania and abroad. Since 2011 Association AVAKA started to administer audiovisual authors and producers rights for retransmission of their rights via cable operators network and ‘blank tape levy’. Lithuanian Ministry of Culture has approved Association AVAKA as collective right society.


Baltic Film & Creative Tech Cluster Vilnius, Lithuania

Baltic Film & Creative Tech Cluster is a leading creative industries cluster in the Baltics that is based in Lithuania. It has been set up by two leading audiovisual clusters, Vilnius Film Cluster and Nebula Cluster, in order to strengthen cooperation and representation of the industry.


Bulgarian National Film Archive Sofia, Bulgaria

The main responsibilities of Bulgarian National Film Archive at the moment are: to acquire, restore, preserve and store film and film related archival artefacts of the national and world culture; all kind of audio-visual documents with documentary, historic and cultural significance; to organize the film libraries by cataloging them and preparing the supporting documentation; to use the libraries for science and research; to screen films on education and cultural events.


Capilano University Vancouver, Canada

Capilano University (CapU) is a teaching-focused university driven by imaginative approaches to education and thoughtful engagement with the communities it serves.


Central House of Photography Bratislava, Slovakia

The new institution was created for two main purposes. On the one hand, it is the creation of a space for international exchange, for building a center that will become an essential stop for anyone interested in facts, information, works from the Central European photographic circuit. The Central European House of Photography creates a sort of top of an imaginary pyramid of photographic cultures, the House sorts through a number of facts, exhibitions and creates a database - virtual and real - of books, works, magazines that provide an objective picture of the history and current situation of photography in individual countries.


Cinematik Piešťany, Slovakia

Cinematik is an international film festival that takes place in Piešťany and is one of the largest film events in Slovakia. It was created in 2006 and after rapid growth, it already recorded more than 16,000 visits during its 4th year. Every September brings more than 70 feature-length and many short films with an emphasis on European and Slovak cinematography.


City District of Bratislava-Stare Mesto Bratislava, Slovakia

The city district is one of 17 city districts of Bratislava. It is a legal entity that manages trust property and trust financial means as well as own income and own property in compliance with the conditions stipulated in a special regulation (The Act of the SNC 138/1991 Coll. of Municipality Property as later amended) and the Statute of the Capital City of the Slovak Republic of Bratislava.


Chapman University United States

Chapman University will collaborate in Work Packages 2 via consultancy on pedagogical strategies. The institution will help the alliance in benchmarking its proposed challenge-based model with equivalent pedagogies being implemented in the USA. Chapman University will also collaborate in the investigation stage of Work Packages 3 and Work Packages 6 by providing data and info on the state of the art in the US film and media arts industry. Chapman University will also collaborate in the dissemination activities.



The International Association of Film and Television Schools (Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision - CILECT) was founded in Cannes, France, in 1954 and today includes over 180 audio-visual educational institutions from 65 countries on 6 continents with 9,000+ teachers and staff that annually train 55,000+ students and communicate with an alumni network over 1,330,000+ strong.

CILECT is committed to developing and promoting the highest standards of education, research and training for film, television and related media through establishing and organizing global and regional forums for the exchange of artistic, pedagogical, methodological and managerial best practices for all its members.

CILECT will actively collaborate in defining the future curricular model and pedagogical approaches and also participate in all dissemination activities.


Corvinus University Hungary

Corvinus University of Budapest is a research university oriented towards education, where the scientific performance of the academic staff measures up to the international standard and the students can obtain a competitive degree. The University admitting more than 11,000 students offers educational programmes in business administration, economics, and social sciences, and most of these disciplines assure it a leading position in Hungarian higher education. Corvinus University, which functions as a real 'universitas', accepts students at three faculties and offer courses leading to degrees at the bachelor, master and doctoral level in countless specialisations taught in Hungarian, English, French or German, qualifying them in a wide variety of fields.
The Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations is the leading institution in Hungary of the studies of social sciences with strong past expertise in relation to practical concerns in teaching. Corvinus University has an important role in training teachers including future university teachers and will be collaborating with FILMEU in designing the alliance staff capacitation programme.


ELIA European League of Institutes of Arts Netherlands

ELIA is a globally connected European network that provides a dynamic platform for professional exchange and development in higher arts education. With over 250 members in 47 countries, it represents some 300.000 students in all art disciplines.

Its cross-disciplinary quality makes ELIA unique as a network. ELIA advocates for higher arts education by empowering and creating new opportunities for its members and facilitating the exchange of good practices. ELIA collaborates with partner networks around the world.

ELIA members are higher arts education institutions from all artistic disciplines. ELIA's offer is inclusive and diverse - it serves the needs of art schools throughout all levels, from academic staff and international officers to students and upper management.

In addition, ELIA has over 25 years' experience in representing higher arts education in Europe. The ELIA team, elected Board, working groups, specialist steering groups and members provide the organisation with a wealth of expertise that bolsters its advocacy and forms an extensive resource for research, the development of new projects and networks, policy review and future scenario planning.

Being the institution that aggregates a large percentage of European high education of institutions in the field of the arts ELIA will crucial for the dissemination of results and transference of knowledge. ELIA will also cooperate in the institutional capacity building WP in particularly in what concerns the development of a specific tenure model. ELIA will also participle in the future consultancy board of the university.


EPI Erich Pommer Institute Germany

The Erich Pommer Institute (EPI) is one of the leading providers of advanced training in the German and European media landscape and a recognised industry-specific think tank.

With its expertise in media law and management and with a variety of formats and publications, the EPI supports the on-going process of digital transformation in the media industry. The Erich Pommer Institute was founded in Potsdam-Babelsberg in 1998 as an independent non-profit limited company and is an institute affiliated with the Film University Babelsberg "Konrad Wolf" and the University of Potsdam.

Erich Pommer Institute is one of the leading providers of advanced training for the audiovisual sector in Europe. The institute will support FILMEU in developing lifelong learning programmes. The institute will also collaborate in dissemination activities, namely in the organization of the foreseen summer school.


EQ-Arts Netherlands

Through its activities, EQ-Arts supports higher arts education institutions in the self-evaluation and enhancement of their internal quality systems to promote a strong quality culture across the higher arts education sector.

As the only Quality Assurance Agency in Europe dedicated to the field of the arts, EQ-Arts will support FILMEU in developing its joint quality assurance procedures, assure the accreditation of one the joint degrees promoted by the alliance, carry on a friendly review of the curriculum of the joint BA to be designed under FILMEU besides collaborating in the dissemination in the alliance's outcomes. EQ-Arts will also participle in the future consultancy board of the university.


Estonian Film Institute Estonia

Estonian Film Foundation was established by the Estonian Ministry of Culture in 1997 with the task to share and distribute the national film budget. As the film industry morphs and develops rapidly due to the technological advancement and the ever-changing financing systems, in 2013 Estonian Film Institute (EFI) came to be as its successor, embracing a much wider spectrum of activities in the film industry. EFI's professional sphere now reaches the whole field of film.

Legally, the Estonian Film Institute is a national foundation financed mainly by the Ministry of Culture. The institute is broadly divided into three departments: development and marketing, production and heritage. The heritage department is also in charge of film literacy.

The institute is responsible for an incentive support scheme Film Estonia, through which film and TV production companies can receive a cash rebate of up to 30% on eligible local production spend. A sub-company called Tallinnfilm belongs in the EFI family, managing an arthouse cinema. Another cut member is the Creative Europe MEDIA Desk, mediating the financing and educational opportunities of the European Union. The Estonian Film Institute is also the organiser of the annual Estonian Film and TV awards - the EFTA Gala night.
EFI will collaborate in the activities for foreseen Work Package 2 in relation to diversity and inclusiveness besides collaborating in the needs analysis in Work Package 3. The design of an incubation model in Work Package 6 that can help future professionals in finding their place in the professional market will also require the collaboration of partners such as EFI that can provide the Alliance with constant information on ongoing developments in the funding and regulatory landscape of the creative and film industries in Europe. EFI will also participate in dissemination activities and the future consultancy board of the university.


Estonian Public Broadcasting Estonia

Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR)- Estonian Public Broadcasting - is a publicly funded radio and television organisation created in Estonia on 1 June 2007 to take over the functions of the formerly separate Eesti Raadio (ER) (Estonian Radio) and Eesti Televisioon (ETV) (Estonian Television), under the terms of the Estonian National Broadcasting Act. Regular radio broadcasting in Estonia began on 18 December 1926. TV was first broadcast in Estonia on 19 July 1955. ERR receives a state grant to fund the operation of its five national radio channels and two TV channels. ERR participates in a number of projects within the European Broadcasting Union, of which it is a full member, notably in musical exchanges and concert series. In addition, ERR's Radio Drama Department has won international recognition at events organised by the EBU.
ERR will collaborate in Work Package 3 by providing consultancy on the curriculum of the new joint international BA. Namely via the provision of intel on the future needs of the European broadcast market. ERR will also collaborate in dissemination activities and the future consultancy board of the university.


Filmby Aarhus Aarhus, Denmark

Filmby Aarhus is the regional film and media center in Western Denmark.

The Filmby houses more than 60 companies from the audiovisual industry. One of the main purposes of Filmby Aarhus is to promote Aarhus's cultural strenghts through movie and media production.


FilmForge Sofia, Bulgaria

FilmForge is NuBoyanas vocational training center. It is designed to fast-track you onto a working crew by distilling and breaking down the essential skills you will need as a filmmaker. We offer three distinct courses during the year.


FUSP – Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU Madrid, Spain

CEU is a charitable, not-for-profit educational institution with more than 80 years of experience in the field of education. The patron of CEU San Pablo Foundation is the Catholic Association of Propagandists, an organisation set up in 1908 by Father Ayala.


Film University Babelsberg "Konrad Wolf" Germany

Film University Babelsberg "Konrad Wolf" is the largest film university in Germany and in Europe with more than 1000 students scattered across the different BA, MA and PhD degrees that institution offers. The university is located in the media city in Berlin, a production hub with more than 100 companies specialised in film and audiovisual production. Babelsberg is a globally unique network of expert linking research, education and training institutions.

Film University Babelsberg "Konrad Wolf" will collaborate with the Alliance at different levels and the possibility of the university fully integrating FILMEU after 2023 is on the table. Babelsberg will enrich the consortium with strong expertise in PhD education and practice-based research besides being actively engaged in designing the two new EMJMD in film heritage and videogames/VR the alliance will promote during the funding period. Babelsberg will also collaborate in dissemination activities and actively participate in the design of the future university governance and management model in view of potentially joining the alliance.


Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE Finland

Yle- the Finnish Broadcasting Company is Finland's national public service media company. YLE will collaborate during the research stages Work Package 2 and Work Package 3 supporting the alliances in identifying future industry needs and competencies to be included both at the level of future curricula and to be considered in term of staff capacitation. YLE will also collaborate in dissemination activities and participate in the consultancy board.


Finnish Film Foundation Finland

The Finnish Film Foundation is the funding body for the Finnish film television and audiovisual covering all areas from feature films to animated films and series.

The Finnish Film Foundation will support FILMEU in all dissemination activities and supply info that will allow the Alliance to better assess future industry needs. The Foundation will also participate in the consultancy board.


Griffith University Australia

Griffith University is a public research university in South East Queensland on the east coast of Australia. Formally founded in 1971, Griffith opened its doors in 1975, introducing Australia's first degrees in environmental science and Asian studies.

The university is named after Sir Samuel Walker Griffith, who was twice Premier of Queensland and the first Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia. Sir Samuel Griffith played a major role in the Federation of Australia and was the principal author of the Australian constitution.

Opening initially with the one campus at Nathan and 451 students, the University now has five physical campuses spanning three cities, the largest of which are the Gold Coast campus at Southport and the Nathan campus in Brisbane. The Mount Gravatt and South Bank campuses are also located in Brisbane, while the Logan campus is at Meadowbrook. In 2018, the University launched its Digital campus, now its sixth campus, which offers a range of online degrees.

Griffith has over 50,000 students and offers a full suite of undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees in the areas of business and government, criminology and law, education, engineering and information technology, environment, planning and architecture, health, humanities and languages, music, science and aviation, and visual and creative arts.

Griffith University extensive experience in the provision of online education will be used to help FILMEU implementing parts of the foreseen virtual mobility. GU will also collaborate in the harmonization of the process of the academic curriculum besides collaboration in dissemination activities. GU will also assure a special mobility activity in Australia targeting alliance' students.


GEECT Paris, France

GEECT is the regional association of CILECT, the World Organisation of Film and Television Schools. GEECT reunites all European members as well as schools in Israel and Lebanon. CILECT now counts over 180 institutions as members from 65 countries on all continents. It represents over 10.000 teachers and staff who annually train some 60.000 students. CILECT is committed to maintaining extremely high educational standards and encouraging excellent inter-regional cooperation between its members.


Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Toronto, Canada

Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning is one of Canada’s leading postsecondary institutions, combining deep theoretical learning with applied, hands-on experience. Humber offers a wide variety of credentials including bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, certificates, Ontario graduate certificates and apprenticeship programs. The college meets its vision of leadership in polytechnic education by providing students clear pathways between credentials and the opportunity to build on previous academic experiences. Humber’s mission is to develop broadly educated, highly skilled and adaptable citizens who are successful in their careers and significantly contribute to their communities.


IAFF - Golden Kuker - Sofia, International Animation Film Festival Sofia, Bulgaria

THE INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL (IAFF) GOLDEN KUKER - SOFIA, started its activity in October 2010 in Sofia and is the first festival of the art of animated films in Bulgaria since the new century. It is held every spring in May and is one of the most attractive cultural events in Bulgaria! The festival is a bridge between professionals from all over the world and succeeds in showing the best of Bulgarian and world animation, aiming to stimulate the creative expressions of animators from all over the world.

IAFF GOLDEN KUKER - SOFIA plays a key role in the animation industry because it is organized by animators who produce animated films themselves which are interesting for people of different generations. IAFF Golden Kuker - Sofia shows a high level of professional performance and a huge international participation with plenty of works of talented people from all over the world. During the festival and throughout the year, animators and audiences have the opportunity to attend professional master classes led by world-renowned directors and animators, exhibitions, seminars, round tables, presentations and impressive events related to the art of animation.


ICA Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Portugal

The Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual, I. P.-ICA, I. P., is a public institute integrated into the indirect administration of the State, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy and its own heritage, under the Secretary of State for Culture, whose mission is to support the development cinematographic and audiovisual activities.

The Portuguese Institute of Cinema (Instituto Português de Cinema-IPC) was created in 1971 by Law 7/71, of 7th of December, aiming, as specified in Base II of this Law, to encourage and discipline the cinematographic activities in its industrial and commercial modalities of production, distribution and film screenings... to represent Portuguese cinema in international organizations to promote the international relations of Portuguese cinema in the cultural, economic and financial domain and to promote cinematographic culture.
ICA will collaborate in the activities for foreseen Work Package 2 in relation to diversity and inclusiveness besides collaborating in the needs analysis in Work Package 3. The design of an incubation model in Work Package 6 that can help future professionals in finding their place in the professional market will also require the collaboration of partners such as ICA that can provide the Alliance with constant information on ongoing developments in the funding and regulatory landscape of the creative and film industries in Europe. ICA will also participate in dissemination activities and the future consultancy board of the university.


IndieCork Ireland

Indie Cork is an international festival of independent film and music focusing on Irish and European documentaries and feature films.

Indie Cork will be one of the platforms used by FILMEU to promote its activities and disseminate its outcomes.


International Sámi Film Institute Norway

The International Sámi Film Institute is dedicated to providing Sámi people with the skills and economic opportunities in developing, producing, and distributing Sámi films in the Sámi language. In addition, the ISFI is an institute for promoting cooperation and encouraging productions with other indigenous filmmakers and organisations internationally.

International Sámi Film Institute will collaborate via the provision of consultancy in the context Work Package 3 and via the support of dissemination activities. In particularly, ISFI will collaborate in designing the open FILMEU archive.


Kerekesfilm Košice, Slovakia

Production company based in Slovakia.


KNUTKT - Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University Kyiv, Ukraine

The university is a multidisciplinary higher art educational institution that trains professional personnel in the areas of "Theatrical Art" and "Film and Television Arts". Outstanding masters of theater and film and television arts work at sixteen departments of the University today, including artistic directors, chief directors and leading actors of academic theaters, film and television directors, academics and correspondent members of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine.


Latvian Academy of Culture Riga, Latvia

The Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC) is an interdisciplinary culture and arts university, focusing on culture and art research, artistic creativity; it is also a centre for creative industries.

The Latvian Academy of Culture has been a space for greetings, conversations, celebrations and daily life since 1990.


Lapland University Finland

Located in the city of Rovaniemi, on the Arctic Circle, the University of Lapland is an international, multidisciplinary university whose areas of expertise include the fields of arctic issues, tourism, art and design, law, education, and the social sciences.

Lapland University will actively collaborate in the design of staff capacitation programme in Work Package 2 considering its expertise in the areas of education and pedagogical skills.


Lithuanian Shorts Vilnius, Lithuania

Lithuanian Shorts is a Lithuanian Short Film Agency, founded in 2012, that provides a systematic and coordinated presentation and promotion of Lithuanian short films nationally and internationally.


Madrid Network Asociacion Spain

Madrid network is an association of technological parks and clusters in the region of Madrid that supports the knowledge triangle namely of the audiovisual media.

FILMEU will collaborate ICT-Audiovisual Cluster of the Madrid network in devising a virtual incubating system to be designed in Work Package 6 as a way to articulate research and entrepreneurship across the knowledge triangle.


Meno Avilys Vilnius, Lithuania

We are a non-governmental organization founded in 2005 by a group of like-minded people, working independently in the field of film and audiovisual media. Since our very establishment, we are sharing what we ourselves believe in. After revealing the first open-air cinema series in Lithuania, we continue to be sensitive to local needs, open to innovation and international trends.


MOG Technologies Portugal

MOG Technologies has a multidisciplinary high skilled and innovative engineering team, with expertise in professional media & computer science, big data & data science, as well as new media & cloud systems, and is a leading provider of technological solutions for the audiovisual sector.

As a leading providing of video cloud services and solutions for private cloud media farms, MOG Technologies will support the implementation of the FILMEU HUB via the provision of the foreseen collaborative and decentralized media ingest framework.


NAFTA National Academy of Theatre & Film Arts Bulgaria

The Krastyo Sarafov National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (usually abbreviated as NATFA) is an institution of higher education based in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.

It is the first Bulgarian university in the field of theatre and film arts. It was founded in 1948, being the only public and state-run institution of its kind in the country.

NAFTA will collaborate in the research in innovation activities in Work Package 6, namely by supporting the special issue of the alliance's journal, and besides collaborating in the dissemination activities. NAFTA will participate in the alliance consultancy board.


Paul-Valéry University Montpellier 3 Montpellier, France

Founded in 1289, the University of Paul-Valéry is located in the coastal city of Montpellier. With a student population of approximately 20,000, the University offers the chance to study in a vibrant, cultural city and is a great place to become immersed in a new culture.


RTE Ireland

RTE is the Ireland National Broadcaster.

RTE will collaborate during the research stages Work Package 2 and Work Package 3 supporting the alliances in identifying future industry needs and competences to be included both at the level of future curricula and to be consider in term of staff capacitation. RTE will also collaborate in dissemination activities and participate the consultancy board.


SAINT AUDIO Studio Hungary

Saint Audio Studio is a sound production and post-production studio in Budapest with a large experience in the provision of creative services to the film and media industries.

Saint Audio Studio will collaborate in the implementation of the immersive sound lab included in FILMEU hub and also in the definition in the content for the new European joint master in sound.

School of Art, Pratt Institute New York, USA

Pratt is an institute, an experience, and an idea. What started as a radical experiment to expand access to creative careers is now a community of 5,137 grad and undergrad students working across 48 programs with 1,200 dedicated faculty. 135 years in the making, this is Pratt.


Screen Directors Guild of Ireland Ireland

Established in 2000, the Screen Directors Guild of Ireland (SDGI) is the representative body for directors involved in the Irish and international audiovisual industry. These include directors of feature films, fiction, animation documentary, television drama, short films, video art and commercials.

The SDGI will collaborate with the consortium bot in designing new curricula and educational offer in Work Package 3 and in harmonizing existing curricula in Work Package 4 providing expertise and guidance across the knowledge triangle. The guild will also collaborate on the dissemination activities.


Screen Ireland Ireland

Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland is the development agency for the Irish film, television and animation industry.

Screen Ireland will support FILMEU in all dissemination activities and supply info that will allow the Alliance to better assess future industry needs. Screen Ireland will also participate in the consultancy board.


Sofia International Film Festival Sofia, Bulgaria

"Sofia International Film Festival (Sofia IFF) is the biggest competitive film festival in Bulgaria, accredited by FIAPF and announced by Variety as one of the top 50 unmissable film events in the world.

The festival not only presents new Bulgarian and Balkan films to an international audience, but also introduces more and more international films from the festival circuit to the local audience. The festival's importance is growing as constantly new activities are being developed on an international level."


Sofia VR Fest Sofia, Bulgaria

The festival is promoting and developing the VR community in Bulgaria by presenting art and culture that uses edge technologies.


SOP Hilmbauer & Mauberger GmbH & Co KG Austria

SOP is an IT systems company specialised in consultancy and support for medium-sized enterprises and institutions in the educational field, as well as to contracting parties of the social insurance agency. The company has been working on the development of bespoke and off-the-shelf software since 1996.

As a leading provider of software solutions for the educational sector, SOP will support the implementation of EWP-Erasmus without paper solutions and mobility services included in FILMEU besides assuring the implementation of tools for automatic recognition of credits and competences.


Tyrell CCT Ireland

Tyrell is a leading supplier of solution for broadcast, television and film production and live performances with end to end media technology solutions.
Tyrell will support the implementation of the XR, Real-Time Cinema and the content ideas labs in Work Package 5 besides collaborating in dissemination activities.


UCA University for the Creative Arts UK

UCA is the leading provider of creative education in the UK, consistently ranked amongst the top institution in the country. UCA offers degrees in all areas of the arts and as an extended portfolio of research in this field. UCA also offers a wide range of opportunities in distance learning.

UCA is supporting FILMEU in implementing distance learning strategies and harmonizing curriculums besides collaborating in research and innovation activities. UCA will participate in the future consultancy board and support quality assurance procedures inside the alliance.


VANTec Portugal

With a vast experience in the market, VANTeC is dedicated to providing technology, consulting, integration, training and support for the Media market, with the aim of optimizing the resources of its clients and to offer complete solutions.

VANTEC offers the audiovisual market the most advanced solutions, as well as systems and equipment, developing a set of customized services, for the future of the media industry.

As a leading provider of technological solutions for the media sector, VANTec will support FILMEU in implementing the volumetric cinema and XR Labs included in FILMEU HUB.


Virgin Media Dublin International Film Festival Ireland

Virgin Media Dublin International Film Festival is Ireland's premier film festival event. The Festival curates and presents the best in emerging international and Irish film and moving image culture for a wide audience through its flagship annual festival, along with a range of year-round events.

Virgin Media Dublin International Film Festival will be one of the platforms used by FILMEU to promote its activities and disseminate its outcomes.


Virtual Worlds Festival Germany

Virtual Worlds Festival is an international independent VR focused festival.

The festival will collaborate in needs assessments in the context of the development of the new EJMD in VR and videogames foreseen in Work Package 3 and also in dissemination activities.


University of Theatre and Film Arts Budapest - (SZFE) Hungary

The University of Theatre and Film Arts Budapest (SZFE) is the oldest art institution of higher education in Hungary that educates theoretical and practical professionals in the fields of theatre, film and television. The history of the institution goes back to 1865 when the actor training in Hungary began and the School of Acting opened its gates. On January 1st, 2000, the institution was awarded the title of University.

The institution celebrated the 150th anniversary of its foundation in academic year 2015/2016, the results of a hundred and fifty years of work, which earned unprecedented honour, rank and prestige both at home and in the world. Oscar-winning artists like Mihály Kertész, Vilmos Zsigmond, István Szabó and Géza Röhrig also studied at SZFE. The great director, Béla Tarr or Mari Törőcsik who won the Grand Prize in Cannes were also among our students. Over the past decades, the majority of today's prestigious Hungarian actors and directors got a diploma at this institution.

The teachers of SZFE are active artists, creative professionals of art theory and the most respected figures in their profession. The exceptionally gifted students are selected carefully from thirty times more applicants each year. In small groups, using practice-oriented skills development trainings, the Hungarian art tradition is inherited from the masters to the students, while fresh creative energy constantly renews the artistic practice. The most influential living representatives of theatre, film and television all studied at the University, and they make the University a future-shaping, significant participant of the Hungarian cultural identity.


XR HUB Bavaria, Germany

The Bavarian Government has decided to establish 3 new XR HUBs in Bavaria in 2019. With those extended reality centres, the Bavarian state wants to foster and support the development in AR and VR. The aim of those HUBs and the statutory support is to strengthen the awareness for Virtual and Augmented Reality "made in Bavaria" and thus to establish it as a national and international well-known brand.

XR Hub Bavaria will support FILMEU in designing and implementing the XR Lab in the context of Work Package 5. XR Hub will also support the design of XR related research projects during Work Package 6.


VDA - Vilnius Academy of Arts Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnius Academy of Arts (VDA) is a State University of the Republic of Lithuania, that offers study programmes in all three study cycles in the areas of art, design, architecture, and art theory and history. The Academy consists of four campuses, situated in the cities of Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Telšiai, with a total of over 1500 students.


Vilnius Film Office Vilnius, Lithuania

"The mission of the Vilnius Film Office is to popularize the city of Vilnius as a friendly city for filmmakers and to promote the development of the filmmaking sector in Vilnius.

The activities of the Vilnius Film Office include mediation between local authorities and filmmakers in order to create suitable conditions for filming, and provide information related to filming works to Lithuanian and foreign filmmakers."


Visegrad Film Forum Bratislava, Slovakia

VFF is an international educational and networking event facilitating contact between talented young film professionals from the neighboring European countries and internationally recognized and appreciated film creators. Participants will enjoy five amazing days full of learning and networking, screenings of student films, master classes and workshops with renowned experts, case studies of interesting film projects and discussions.


Vision Denmark Frederiksberg, Denmark

Vision Denmark is the business cluster for games, film, TV, animation and XR. We bring together the ecosystem across Denmark to create innovation and growth and secure the industry's position of strength.


Zographic Films Sofia, Bulgaria

Established in 1994 as a production company specialized in advertising, Zographic Films gradually shifted its focus to 2D & 3D animation and VFX. After creating a very successful body of work in the ad industry, including commercials for Coca Cola, Toyota, Pepsi, Motorola and many others, we discovered that the world of animation in Bulgaria was underexplored and plunged right into it.


Zurich University of the Arts Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich University of the Arts is one of the leading art universities in Europe. The study and research programme covers the areas of art education, design, film, fine arts, music, dance, theatre and transdisciplinary studies. It is a state university with its own legal personality and is institutionally accredited.
