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FilmEU at CineDesk Workshop

The CineDesk Workshop for faculty members and leadership from educational institutions accredited by GEECT / CILECT took place February 8-10 at Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK.

This workshop was organized by Chantal Haunreiter, Manuel Hendry, Valentin Huber, Christian Iseli, Kristina Jungic and Norbert Kottmann who are professors and researchers at ZHdK. It had the participation of four FilmEU Alliance schools, Lusófona University, IADT, BFM and LUCA. There were also participants from The Steve Tisch School of Film & Television (Tel-Aviv University), the Internationale Filmschule Koln (Cologne, Germany), the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the University of the Arts London, Griffith Film School (Brisbane, Australia) and the Department for Film at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Cinedesk is the result of a research project developed at the Immersive Arts Space at ZHdK.

It is a system of cinema simulation and pre-visualization in a pedagogical context. It can be seen as a tool for teaching filmmaking and cinematographic language, but also as a tool for pre-visualization and planning in a collaborative environment.

It integrates technologies that link filmmaking and multimedia systems centered on Epic's "Unreal" game engine.

The development and working environment allows collaboration between cinema and video games and uses a set of technologies that have proven to be transformative and are the basis of concepts such as virtual production and in camera visual effects.

FilmEU will be attentive to technological developments in these areas that have a profound impact on cinematographic production and is studying the possibility of participating in an alliance of schools that use and develop CineDesk.

published 16 February 2023modified 22 February 2023