Rita Mata embarked on her artistic journey at a young age, engaging in contemporary dance for six years, participating in various photography workshops (both digital and analogue, including pinhole techniques), and taking music classes from 2008 to 2013. In 2012, Rita joined an amateur theatre group, and by 2015, she gained admission to a professional theatre school (EPTC), where her passion for the performing arts shifted to backstage roles. Graduating in 2018, Rita completed her course with an internship as a 2nd Assistant Director at Teatro Experimental de Cascais (TEC). Currently, Rita is a Cinema graduate from Lusófona University, primarily working as a 1st Assistant Director and/or Project Manager. Notably, Rita was among the initial Audiovisual Team Members of FilmEU.
CREDITS Host: Daniela D'Or (Lusófona University) Guest: Rita Mata Production: Carolina Santos & Anna Coutinho Sound and post-production: Afonso Pinto Technical Support: Afonso Brandão Photography: Filipa Valente