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Natalija Verbickienė

Higher Education, Teaching, Music Performance, Arts Management, Quality Assurance, Accreditation, Study programmes, Curriculum, Strategical Planning

Natalija Verbickiene – head of the Quality and Strategic Planning Office and lecturer of the Art Management Department of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (hereinafter – LMTA).

Natalija holds a Bachelor of Arts (Music Performance) and Master's of Arts Management and has experience in the field of higher education QA for more than 10 years. She is responsible for the updating (development) of study programmes, for the compliance of study programmes and subjects (modules) learning outcomes with the requirements, as well as for the supervision of the procedures for the approval of the study programmes and qualifications awarded by the institution.

Natalija provides methodological assistance and actively participates in (self)evaluation processes of study programmes in the field of Dance, Film, Music and Theatre.

Natalia's current area of responsibility and work is the implementation and improvement of the internal quality assurance system of the LMTA's study, research and art activities; coordination of external expert evaluation and accreditation, preparation of study programmes and improvement of ongoing study programmes; overseeing the development and implementation of the LMTA's strategic action plans.