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Lies Van de Vijver

Film consumption, Cinema memories, Cinema-going practices, New Cinema History, Film programming, Audience studies

Lies Van de Vijver is a research coordinator of FilmEU_RIT at the Research & Projects Office of LUCA School of Arts. As a researcher she works on historical and contemporary screen culture, film programming and cinema experience. She has been involved in several international projects and networks e.g. European Cinema Audiences, Cinema Histories and the HoMER Network. She is the editor of ‘Mapping Movie Magazines’ (with D. Biltereyst, 2020), ‘Gent Filmstad’ (with G. Dupont & R. Vande Winkel, 2021) and the ‘Handbook of Comparative New Cinema Histories’ (with D. Treveri Gennari & P. Ercole, 2024). She has been a visiting professor Film History, Cultural Media Studies and Visual Culture.